I am attaching the above transcript of what then President Trump actually said concerning the deadly riots in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017. Why, because I am disgusted with the man currently sitting in the White House in the United States who uses a misrepresentation of President Trump’s words to insinuate or outright lie about President Trump condoning Neo-Nazism and/or white supremacy. I do not in anyway promote Neo-Nazism, totalitarianism, fascism or any far-right ideology. I do believe according to our laws that groups condoning those ideologies have the right to protest. I also do not promote far-left groups who promote the destruction of property and the removal of statutes and other cultural objects from the public venue without going through appropriate processes. They have the right to protest too. In August 2017, in Charlottesville Virginia, the white supremacists were confronted by those on the far left supporting the removal of a statue of Robert E Lee (who is an icon of the Civil War for the South). Violence ensued and the white supremacists took it to another level, by running a car through a crowd of people. The results were 1 woman killed and many injured. President Trump condemned the white supremacists/Neo-Nazis. What is controversial is his statement that there were good people protesting on both sides. There were certainly those in-between the far-right and far-right at the protest. I myself would have gladly protested the destruction of the statue, simply because it is a part of our history and culture. I believe that through a public process it should be determined whether a particular statue/cultural item is appropriate in its current location. If it is determined it is inappropriate for some reason (maybe causes hurt or stress) it should be removed to a museum or battlefield where it can be viewed selectively in its historical context rather than be destroyed. I am sure there were people like me at the protest.
The current White House resident, Joe Biden, has repeatedly stated that he decided to run for President in 2020 because President Trump said that white supremacists and Neo-Nazis are “good people”. A couple of notable occasions when he made these statements, include when he announced his run for the presidency and during the presidential debate moderated by Chris Wallace of Fox News. He has repeated the statement periodically since on the national stage. Today, during a public statement as part of a NATO meeting on Ukraine, Joe Biden repeated on the world stage that the reason he decided to run for President in 2020 was because of President Trump’s statement, “that there were good people on both sides”. Not verbatim he said that statement indicated President Trump condoned white supremacists/Neo-Nazis and he decided he had to save the country.
Why in the midst of a what is being called the worst conflict in Europe since WWII (maybe the onset of WWIII) does Joe Biden feel he has to lie and misrepresent his political opponent the past President of the US and in the process disparage his country on the world stage?
Was he using the NATO platform as a political platform, by defaming the Republicans as white supremacists/Neo-Nazis?
Was he trying to scare people of the Republicans?
Was he trying to mitigate his inadequacy on the world stage by trying to make the past President look worse?
Was he following Trudeau’s lead in dealing with protestors, or maybe it was Trudeau who followed his lead?
Does he just not know what President Trump actually said?
Is he so used to the story that he thinks it’s true?
Does he know it’s a lie but repeats it anyway because he wants people to believe it?
Was it just his feeble mind wandering to what he is supposed to say?
Whatever the reason for his statement, it is totally inappropriate to espouse untrue hateful political rhetoric during an US press conference on an existential world disaster.